eCommerce Intelligence Cockpit

Embrace AI-powered and Data-driven insights for eCommerce growth.

Offering precision to anticipate customer needs and optimize strategies

eCommerce is indispensable for brand success in the changing business world. With hyper-connected consumers increasingly favoring online shopping, establishing a robust Online-to-Offline (O2O) presence is now a necessity. However, eCommerce is a complex and rapidly evolving landscape, where businesses must be agile and adaptable to maintain a competitive edge. By harnessing the transformative power of eCommerce analytics, CPG companies can secure their future in the marketplace.

Ecommerce Growth: The Foundation Integration, Modeling, Harmonization, Automation Data Management For Competitive Edge with Advanced Technologies AI/Ml Powered Insights Extensive Industry Expertise, Actions to Results Playbook Expert Advisory Ecommerce Analytics Platform for Real Time Data Driven Insights Platform Ecommerce Intelligence Cockpit offers a Comprehensive set of Tools, including Visualize your brand’s ecommerce performance across regions / marketplaces / Global Dashboard Track key metrics & KPI’s to identify underperforming areas Monitoring 24 x 7 Actionable insights for faster decision making Nudges Alerts & Proactive Track share trends & drivers with inter connected sales and digital shelf data Insights Deep-Drive Benchmarkingagainst competitors to identify Product &Pricing opportuni - ties Competitive Benchmarking

JK Tech’s eCommerce Intelligence Cockpit is a comprehensive analytics suite that gives you a unified view of your product content, pricing, availability, assortment, retailer search ranking, ratings, reviews, retailer-specific sales, and share. It is also customizable to your business’s digital maturity and product roadmap. It helps you navigate the journey toward a cohesive and actionable tech stack, break down data silos, foster team collaboration, and propel your business toward its goals.