How To Spend a Day Off From Work – Stay Motivated

August 10, 2021 By: Devsmita Asthana

Regardless of the pandemic or no pandemic, taking a day off from work is bliss. Taking a day off might not seem like a priority amid a global pandemic, particularly when widespread lockdown measures have limited downtime to the confines of our own home, but not taking any time out could be detrimental to productivity. Before pandemics & lockdown became normal parlance for us, taking a day off could mean that you could spend time with yourself & family.

Although, in today’s situation, taking a day off might just mean spending a day at home not working for most of us, but for essential workers, there are barely any “off ” days in the last year. For them, an off day from work spent at home is a blessing. We must seize this time at home is a luxury not everyone has. Even for us, who are working from home constantly for over a year now, need that day off and we need to make it count. The constant need to be dynamic, working towards & achieving our goals takes an emotional toll on all of us. We push ourselves too hard even without realizing it, even on a weekend we seldom give ourselves a real break. Weekends also come with a mental checklist to finish all our chores, spend time with our family, complete grocery shopping and catch up with friends. Even if we can’t complete some of these activities, we end up yelling at ourselves and don’t let ourselves relax and recharge.

Now, even though our options might seem limited to staying at home, crashing on the couch, and binging entire seasons of the latest series but there is so much more to do. All it takes a change in attitude to ensure that you make most of your time and overcome the boredom and shake off that feeling of unproductiveness.

There is an attitudinal difference in approaching an off day as a self-care day and help yourself relax. Here are a few ideas for How I spend a relaxing day off from work.

  • Decluttering: I don’t want to be a hoarder! Taking the time to go through my belongings & stuff at home and clearing out the things that I don’t use or want anymore can help me feel more balanced. A cluttered house can lead to a cluttered mind. Don’t believe me? Try clearing out the clutter and you will see!
  • The Family Meal: “Families that Eat Together, Stays Together.”
    Undoubtedly a big sacrifice of a busy life is “The family Time”. Yet research suggests it may offer a key to happiness, fulfillment and a Full Belly. I cook something basic this day and we spent quality time together – hear each other, laugh together and argue together.
  • Read a book for the greater good: It’s always better to read a book that lies in front of the TV. After an entire week of looking intently at multiple screens, it will be a relaxing experience. Reading a book is one of the most enriching and refreshing activities you can take up. Don’t you dream of those days when you can just sit on your balcony or cozy up on your couch with a book you have been meaning to read for a while now?
  • Be a mentor: One of the most selfless and fulfilling things that an adult can do is mentor a child, it brings you a sense of personal achievement. You can by sharing your journey with someone bring them support, help and guidance. Mentoring young girls require building a strong relationship based on trust, patience, and love. This will help hones your interpersonal skills, improve patience and gain perspective on opportunities available during your day in the dynamic industry.

At the end of the day, it is important that you do what you can to unplug and enjoy the day. You may face that initially it’s more difficult than it sounds because of our constant need for updates on social media and emails even on an off day, it is a tough habit to break but it comes with trying over and over but is highly rewarding.

“Though some may consider “doing nothing” unproductive, a lack of downtime is bad for our well-being, because idle time allows our default network to make sense of what we’ve recently experienced or learned.” – Leonard Mlodinow.

About the Author

Devsmita Asthana