Marketing Transformation towards more relevant, targeted demand generation and conversion

Use of Generative AI to enable natural language-based customer insights and accurate targeting for campaigns by marketing executives

The Client

The client is one of the world’s leading suppliers of integrated solutions for product testing, design, and maintenance optimization.

The Challenges

  • Lack of integrated Customer view: Customer and Product data was fragmented across multiple systems from marketing to CRM to ERP and sales portals due to multiple rapid acquisitions.
  • Lack of ability to effectively target relevant customer segments for campaigns: There was no capability to effectively segment and micro-segment customer data to find highly relevant customer lists for effective campaigns.

The Objective

  • Create an Integrated Customer View: Create a virtual integrated customer view without having to physically move and integrate data across systems.
  • Deploy a system for easy analysis and segmentation of customer data: Enable intelligent customer selection for campaigns as well as integration with marketing automation systems to measure campaign ROI.
  • Visibility and search across huge marketing asset portal: Ability to search accurately across a huge database of structured and unstructured marketing assets data including emails, blogs, product brochures, webpages, videos, and survey data.

The Solution

  • Deployed JK Tech’s JIVA solution to create a virtual unified view of customers across multiple systems using JIVA’s Knowledge Graph feature extracting and linking information, records, and relationships across databases and documents.
  • Configured JIVA to provide natural language-based search, analysis, and segmentation of customer sets based on campaign objectives, intent, and responsiveness.

The Benefits

  • Better visibility of customer, value, buying behavior, response across brands and markets.
  • Improved campaign efficiency & effectiveness (ROI) with quick selection of target sets and reference content across archives.
  • Drive higher Demand generation and conversion.