Success in Career 101: Signs to Know You Are Acing Your Career Life!

August 12, 2021 By: Suja Antony

Every individual desires success in their career. A successful career brings esteemed value, respect, stature, benefits, and profitable opportunities. We live in a society dominated by the power of money, social standing, influence, motivation of networks and contacts, etc. to climb the ladder and make a mark in such a society, demands a successful career. Beyond such societal implications, career success brings along a sense of accomplishment, dignity, satisfaction and security. A successful career naturally leads to success in personal life which enhances the quality of lifestyle.

Let’s Understand What Success in Career Is?

Career Success and Career Accomplishment are not the same things. Career Accomplishments get you sizeable income, bonuses, high-profile jobs, competitive credentials, glowing recommendations and get your business or brand profits, increased ROI, brand name and awareness but these only indicate career accomplishments, not career success. A successful career goes beyond such parameters of pay, position, rewards, degrees.

Success in a career speaks about your mental, emotional, cerebral, physical health and well-being as well. Career success is the result of delightfully enjoying your work while also working and achieving a keen edge of financial stability. Career success is that feeling of satisfaction and happiness of a pleasantly productive day with fulfilling life and career choices.

To understand success in your career, you need to largely understand your career goals.
Without any career goals, you can’t achieve success. Simply put, if you enjoy the job that helps you work towards your career and visionary goals, you’re on the path to career success but if your job isn’t in alignment with your career and visionary goals then you may have accomplishments but no success. True success lies in your vision, mission, goals, and spirit of achieving and feeling them.

Along with satisfaction, a successful career opens an arena of parameters for success in life. Career success is one of the biggest drivers to success in life. It creates a passion and deep-rooted desire to perform and outperform time and again to meet your visionary goals.It creates a strong mindset and willingness to climb the ladder. The importance of career success can’t be stressed enough. A Successful Career instills inner peace and calm which career accomplishments don’t cover. The pleasures of career success make us recognize that money, positions, or rewards aren’t the whole of it. Individuals who have a meaningful and successful career understand that principles, passion, purpose, and satisfactory outcomes are the whole of it. As fulfilling as career success sounds, only a handful of individuals enjoy the sweet nectar of career success owing to several reasons. Starting off with puzzling career success and career accomplishments. Many working professionals neglect setting and dissecting their definition and parameters of success, and hence end up performing at a job just for the purpose of a job and financial stability. They ignore to understand and analyse what brings them joy, satisfaction, happiness and hence end up having such aftereffects on their personal life. One of the many reasons for not having career success is when the career path of an individual is already decided and pre-set for them by either their parents, teachers, mentors, or siblings without any gap of exploration and any freedom of judgment. In such cases sadly, individuals become disillusioned into a path of happiness and end up disappointed when their career and life don’t play out as they expected.

Hence, it is extremely imperative to map out, understand, and work towards your own definition of career success, financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Now that we have the utmost importance of career success, let’s decode how to have a successful career at JK tech, to ultimately be successful in life:

  • Communicate Well: Communication is key! Without communication and openness, one can’t express, evaluate, and explore. Proactive communication is essential for your own evaluation and understanding as well as the organization’s success. Proactive communication goes a long way at every level, be it at presentations, handling arguments and conflicts or important meetings. At JK Tech, we believe in creating a safe space to share and promote communication at every level.
  • Be Your Own Evaluator: You are your best judge. AT JK Tech, we believe in self-reflection and self-assessment. JK tech gives opportunities across numerous streams to its employee to streamline their passion into a role they love and enjoy. Along with such opportunities, we encourage employees to assess & identify their goals, review and evaluate and understand their career strategy.
  • Keep Learning: Be it in your career or in life, learning and willingness should never stop. Employees willing to succeed should be open to constructive criticism and experienced feedback. Along with openness, the drive to learn new things, discovering your creativity with newer innovations leads to polishing your career and lifelong wisdom. It is also a way to showcase your attention and responsibility at your job and you are open to being coached and excel at your job. To promote learning at JK Tech, we have our very own “Innovation Hub” which helps employees explore new technologies, trends, experiences and nurtures their curiosity.
  • Take Charge: Being prepared in advance shows your dynamism and proactiveness towards your career. Knowing what’s coming next and taking action before time shows your efficiency, initiative, and go-getter attitude. At JK Tech, we appreciate the positive spirit and motivated outlook of our employees and hence make sure to celebrate employee milestones.
  • Set Clear Goals: Without career goals, one can’t enjoy career success. It is imperative to have a goal-achieving mindset, no matter what position or role you hold on the organization’s ladder. Once you have crystal clear career goals, you have the absolute passion and drive within you to achieve them which leads to an untouched experience of satisfaction and happiness. A great starter to understand your career goals is to understand your organization’s goals, mission, vision, and define your own. Owing to the people-first policy at JK Tech, we endeavour to foster a transparent, diverse, inclusive, and friendly relationship and culture that is driven by Collaboration, Respect, Attitude & Passion amongst our employees.

We at JK tech truly believe that money, position, popularity, rewards can’t get you success and satisfaction. True satisfaction and career success lie within mental and emotional strength, dedication, and passion that create a keen sense of inner peace and happiness. By realising your innermost potential and happiness, you truly can experience real career success and positive changes in your life.

About the Author

Suja Antony